In these uncertain times of a pandemic for all people it has been important to take stock of my business after seeing the family is okay first.
Looking at new ways to improve on the level I have already got gives me fresh and invigorates me with fresh ideas.
It gives new tools for potential new clients to trust in me delivering high quality photography.
You could say stop but this art you can always add to the knowledge you already have. Sometimes it can be down to how I process my images speeding this process up leads to more time with clients and taking more images which is one thing I love to do..
Like phones technology changes very fast so being current with software is a must with demands on larger files to edit.
I take advantage of the SWPP society for wedding and portrait photographers which I am a member of. They like some other care reaching out to their members with seminars such as wedding photography tips lighting and marketing. All very useful I must say and why not at this time when none of us are working in this instruction as such.
Developing never stops like the grande master have said to me never stop learning because if you think you know everything in this industry thats when you come a cropper .
So learning news tools for the clients is always a bonus to me as it is a way of giving back beautiful images to clients to cherish.
Thanks SJC photography