A quick up date on photography Business lockdown how are we all doing?

April 14, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Well where do you start folks this is a very difficult situation for everyone and I hope everyone is keeping well as can be and all your friends and family.

As a self-employed person this is been a very tricky and I'm sure it is for everyone in my situation but I just thought I would reach out at this time and keep in touch with people and say hello.

For me I have been moving all of my weddings to next year I still got a few that are holding on and I hope that we will be able to do these this year. 

Over the last three weeks it has been a different way of working from home as all the family are now around at the same time with one computer my wife working from home as well as going into work and my son with his college work but he has to finish this years all online. So I am taking the night shift sometimes!

I suspect like a lot of people you are diving into jobs around the house that have been left where we are so busy with our lives before the lockdown.

We've had a good D clutter of the office which has been wonderful and something that my wife has been chipping away at me to do for a long time so I thank her a lot as this is something I'm not really great at.

One of the biggest things I miss about my job is mixing with people and bringing smiles to their faces especially at weddings which I know we created good rapport with my clients.

So At this time like a lot of people missing their families I can really understand how frustrating this is but technology is moved us to a level where at least we can talk to one another even by visual means. 

I have been talking though in a positive manner to clients as much as possible by Skype,FaceTime and good old fashioned phone for enquiries on weddings next year.
So anyone wanting to speak to someone just general chitchat and any information that I can help you with regarding weddings and future portraits that you are thinking of families, children and pets.

This is me signing off Steve Chatterton SJC photography try and enjoy the weather as much as possible and stay safe everyone.

Tell me in the comments how your feeling, doing and how your dealing with this Lockdown.


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